Subject Verb Agreement Rule 4 Examples

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing that every writer should know. It is the grammatical rule that governs the agreement of the subject and verb in a sentence. If you are a writer, it is important to understand how to apply this rule correctly to ensure clarity and precision in your writing.

There are four basic rules of subject-verb agreement that one should keep in mind while writing. In this article, we will explore these rules and provide examples that will help you understand them better.

Rule 1: Singular subjects should have singular verbs, and plural subjects should have plural verbs.

Example: The cat chases the mouse. (singular subject and verb)

The cats chase the mice. (plural subject and verb)

Rule 2: When the subject is connected by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the nearest subject.

Example: Neither the cat nor the dog is hungry. (singular verb)

Neither the cat nor the dogs are hungry. (plural verb)

Rule 3: When the subject is connected by “and,” the verb should be plural.

Example: The dog and the cat are playing. (plural verb)

Rule 4: Collective nouns take singular verbs when the group is considered as a single entity, and plural verbs when the members of the group are considered separately.

Example: The team is playing well. (singular verb)

The team members are arguing among themselves. (plural verb)

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing that enables clear communication and understanding. By keeping these four rules in mind and using them correctly in your writing, you can write grammatically correct sentences that are easy to read and understand.

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